A lot of businesses are suffering tremendously and while many shops seem to be seeing a slow down in numbers, overall, auto repair shops seem to be faring much better than some other industries during this time, like the restaurant industry or the tourism industry. However, that doesn’t mean that things aren’t difficult but there […]
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With the PPP funds drying up, if you haven’t seen the funds yet are you feeling antsy? I don’t blame you! That money seemed to dry up pretty quickly. That means that there are millions of small business owners just like you that are scrambling to keep the doors open. If you haven’t submitted your […]
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I know there are several small businesses out there that are receiving money from the PPP loan and there are even more that are in line to receive money in the second round. If you’ve applied for this loan or are considering it, remember, the purpose of this loan is to save jobs! I also […]
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In 2017, the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act eliminated carrying back of Net Operating Losses (NOLs). However, with recent economic hardships from the Coronavirus, new provisions in the CARES act now waive that and businesses can now carry back a NOL arising in a taxable year beginning after Dec. 31, 2017, and before Jan. 1, […]
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The last few weeks have been extremely stressful for business owners across the world but not to fear, this won’t last forever. I want to fill your financial toolbox with the information you need to pull through the next few months and come out on top when this storm blows over. So let’s dive right […]
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