With spring upon us and the weather warming, it’s the perfect time of year to do some good spring cleaning. However, it’s not just our homes that can benefit – our finances can benefit from intentional tidying up and decluttering as well. This can lead to increased efficiency, better cash flow, and improved overall financial […]
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The Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 was signed into law with the goal of addressing economic challenges and encouraging businesses and homeowners to adopt more “green” energy practices. With this bill comes an important provision: the Home Energy Efficient Tax Credit. This credit incentivizes homeowners to make energy-efficient improvements to their homes. In this blog […]
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Understanding and navigating the tax implications and responsibilities of business income is crucial for every business owner, especially those operating as an S-Corp. A very common question that often arises is whether or not S-Corp distributions and draws are taxable. In this blog post, we’ll answer this question and explore the key considerations of S-Corp […]
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With a new year upon us, this is a time for businesses to reflect on their financial strategies and make resolutions for the year ahead that contribute to the long-term success of their organization. By adopting sound financial practices, businesses can better navigate challenges, improve their efficiency and workflows, and pave a path towards sustained […]
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With the new year quickly approaching, it can be tempting to start planning for your future goals and projects. However, it’s important to do a thorough year-end financial review before shifting your focus to the new year. This not only helps you understand the growth you’ve made and areas of learning that you can improve […]
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