Preparing For Success in 2023

Preparing For Success in 2023

Business takes your precious time and effort.  Wasting your resources on effort without a plan is a great way to tire yourself out and make little progress.  If you want success you have to prepare for it. And your success in your business depends on you having the right pieces in place ahead of time. […]

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Your Business Finances in 2023

I don’t have a crystal ball. And I can’t predict the future. But there are some things I do know about what is coming in 2023 based on the current direction of our economy. And none of it looks pretty. Continued Inflation Inflation has been at an all time high for the past year and […]

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Facing Your Financial Fears

I’m not going to sugarcoat things. Times are hard. And they aren’t going to get any easier.  One of the problems that makes hard times worse is fear.  Fear of the future  Fear of financial issues Fear of a collapsed economy We could spend all day writing out lists of the things we are afraid […]

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Escaping “Barely Making It”

Successful businesses are forged in difficult times. Businesses that are barely surviving will either double down and find success or fall apart.  Over the last couple years, I have faced the same challenges in growing my own business. Here is what I have learned about escaping just getting by.  Understand Your Business If you want […]

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What Does Your Success Look Like?

Bookkeeping is very simple and straightforward. It’s about making sure the numbers add up.  But that’s not all there is to bookkeeping. While I am good with numbers, keeping books has never been my passion. My passion with bookkeeping has always been about helping my clients reach their dreams.  Where Are You at Now Before […]

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